Chemical digestion : Food digestion process that helped by enzyme
Mechanical digestion : The process that change food from big to be smooth
Human digestive system is divided into two
1. Digestive tract (saluran pencernaan)
2. Digestive gland (kelenjar pencernaan)
Human digestive tract consist of
1. Mouth
2. Esophagus
3. Stomach / ventricle
4. Small intestine
5. Large intestine / colon
6. Anus
1. Mouth
a. teeth
b. tongue
c. salivary gland
a. Teeth
- Incisors – to cut the food
- Canines – to tear the food
- Molars – to chewing the food
Each tooth has three parts
1. Crown is the part that we can seen from outer
It is covered by enamel,its function to
sterengthen and protectthe bone of teeth,
which is made of dentin.Dentin is the
yellowish structure forming the tooth
shape.Mahkota adalah bagian yg tampak dari
luar yang dilapisi oleh email yg berfungsi utk
memperkuat dan melindungi tulang gigi yang
terbuat dari dentin.Dentin berwarna agak
kekuningan yg memberi bentuk gigi
2. Neck of tooth is located inside the gum.
leher gigi berada di dalam gusi
3. Root of tooth is located inside jaw.The
outer of its covered with cement.Akar
gigi tertanam di dlm rahang.Bagian luar
dilapisi oleh semen.
There is pulp cavity inside tooth.It is contains
blood and nerve vessel.The function of blood
vessel is to provide tooth with food.
The existence of nerve in pulp of tooth is that
we can feel sick if a disturbance on tooth occurs,
such holed tooth.
b. Tongue
- Has the function to sense a food
merasakan rasa makanan
- To place the food in order that the food
can be chewed perpectly
membantu menempatkan makanan sehingga
mudah di kunyah
- To swell the food into the throat
membantu menelan atau mendorong
makanan masuk ke kerongkongan
c. Salivary gland
Has function
1. to make oral cavity more sterile
2. to wetted the food
3. to digest food chemically
There are three kind of salivary gland
1. Parotid gland is locatedclosed to ear
2. Submandibular gland is located under the mandible
3. Sublingual gland is located in the bottom of the
2. Esophagus
Has shape like pipe,in esophagus food is not digested
but only passing through.Food will enter into
stomach,because the presence of peristaltic
movement of esophagus.Peristaltic movement is a
sort of movement of muscular wall of the digestive
tract in the form of expanding-deflating movement
or massaging-pressing movement.
3. Stomach
Has three parts
a. cardiac (upper)
b. fundus (middle)
c. pylorus (bottom)
Digestive process in stomach happens mechanically and chemically.Mechanically digestion happens when food is stirred by contracting muscle,while chemical digestion happens in stomach wall that produces enxyme.
Proses pencernaan pada lambung terjadi secara mekanik dan kimiawi.Pencernaan mekanik terjadi saat makanan di aduk-aduk oleh otot-otot yang berkontraksi,sedangkan pencernaan kimiawi terjadi pada dinding lambung yang menghasilkan enzim.
Stomach wall produces mucilage,gastric acid,pepsin enzyme,and rennin enzyme.Dinding lambung menghasilkan lendir (musin),asam lambung,enzim renin dan enzim pepsin.
a. Mucilage,it has function to protect stomach wall from
gastric acid.Lendir berfungsi untuk melindungi
dinding lambung dari asam lambung.
b. Gastric acid (HCl),it has function to kill germ or
bacteria and it actvates pepsinogen to be pepsin.
Asam lambung,berfungsi untuk membunuh bakteri
dan mengaktifkan pepsinogen menjadi pepsin.
c. Pepsin enzyme,it has function to break down protein
to be pepton. enzim pepsin berfungsi memecah
protein menjadi pepton.
d. Renin enzyme,it has function to coagulate milk
protein (casein).Enzim renin berfungsi untuk
menggumpalkan protein susu (kasein).
The stomach wall consist of three muscular layer.Those are: the longitudinal muscle (the most outer part). circular muscle (the middle part) and oblique muscle
(the inner part).The contraction among those three kind of muscle can make the food mixed flatly with gastric juice resulted by gland in the part of fundus.The mixing
process makes the food change the form like porridge called as chime.
Dinding lambung terdiri atas tiga lapis otot,yaitu otot memanjang (bagian terluar),otot melingkar (bagian tengah),dan otot miring (bagian terdalam).Kontraksi ketiga otot ini dapat menyebabkan makanan teraduk secara merata dengan getah lambung yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar bagian fundus.Proses pengadukan ini membuat makanan berubah bentuk seperti bubur yang disebut kim.
4. Small Intestine
Consists of three parts
a. duodenum
b. jejunum
c. ileum
a. Duodenum (usus 12 jari)
There are two ducts in this part,those are bile and
pancreatic duct.Bile produce by liver,has chocolate
colour and result of breaking down has
function to emulsify (destroying particles) from fat.
Ada dua saluran pada bagian ini,yaitu saluran
empedu dan pankreas.Empedu dihasilkan oleh
hati,memiliki warna kecoklatan dan merupakan hasil
pemecahan hemoglobin.Berfungsi untuk
mengemulsikan(menghancurkan partikel-partikel)
Pancreatic juice containsthree kinds of enzyme
1. Lipase,it has function to change fat to be fatty acid
and glycerol.
2. Amylase,it has function to change amylum to be
simpler sugar ( maltosa).
3. Trypsin,it has function to change protein to be
amino acid.
Getah pankres mengandung tiga macam enzim
1. Lipase,berfungsi untuk mengubah lemak menjadi
asam lemak dan gliserol
2. Amilase,berfungsi mengubah amilum menjadi
gula sederhana (maltosa)
3. Tripsin,berfungsi mengubah protein menjadi asam
b. Jejenum (usus kosong)
In this jejenum happens the last digestive
process.Vitamin and mineral do not experience
digestion but directly absorbed.Meanwhile the last
digestive result for carbohydrate is disaccharide and
monosaccharide (glucose),protein is amino acid,and
fat is fatty acid and glycerol.
pada jejenum inilah terjadi proses pencernaan
terakhir.Vitamin dan mineral tidak mengalami
pencernaan tetapi langsung di serap.Sedangkan hasil
pencernaan terakhir untuk karbohidrat adalah
disakarida dan monosakarida ( glukosa),protein asam
amino dan lemak adalah asam lemak dan giserol.
c. Ileum (usus penyerapan)
After digestive process finish in the jejenum,the food
essence is absorbtion.Absorbtion process happens in
ileum because on the surface of ileum is found many
epithelia of small flock called villi.Villi has function
to enlarge absorbtion surface area.
Setelah proses pencernaan berakhir di jejenum,maka
sari-sari makanan diserap.Proses penyerapan terjadi
di ileum karena pada permukaan ileum terdapat
banyak epitel berjonjot kecil yang di sebut vili.Vili
berfungsi memperluas daerah permukaan
Finally,the food digestive product of small molecules
enter the blood circulation to be spread to entire part
of body. In the flock of small intestine is found two
vessels,those are blood vessel is used to carry
glucose,amino acid,vitamins and minerals to the
whole of body and chyle vessel is used to carry fatty
acids and glycerol to clavicle.
Akhirnya,hasil pencernaan makanan berupa molekul-
molekul kecil masuk ke peredaran darah untuk
disebarkan keseluruh tubuh.Pada jonjot usus halus
terdapat dua pembuluh,yaitu pembuluh darah
berfungsi menyerap glukosa,asam amino,vitamin dan
mineral ke seluruh tubuh dan pembuluh kil berfungsi
mengangkut asam lemak dan gliserol ke bawah
tulang selangka.
5. Large intestine
The large intestine is divided into two parts.Those
are colon and rectum.The colon has three parts
a. the ascending part (bagian yang naik)
b. transverse part (bagian mendatar)
c. descending part (bagian menurun)
The function of large intestine is
a. to absorb the water of undigested food so that
become the semi-solid faeces
b. as determination place of food
c. to keep the faeces to be come out from the body by
the anus
d. formation of vitamin K
a. menyerap air dari sisa-sisa makanan sehingga
membentuk feses yang agak padat
b. tempat pembusukan makanan
c. menyimpan feses sampai dikeluarkan dari tubuh
melalui anus
d. pembentukan vitamin K
In the large intestine is found bacteria of Escherichia coli that can decomposing food waste that is not digested in the small intestine,it is also produces vitamin K.
Pada usus besar terdapat bakteri Escherichia coli yang dapat membusukkan sisa makanan yang tidak dicerna di usus halus,bakteri ini juga memproduksi vitamin K.